Jan 05, 2023

Important information regarding country availability on Hola


Hola Writer

Internet freedom is a fundamental right that should be enjoyed by all. At Hola, we stand for this freedom and believe that every person should have the right to access any site and choose the content that is right for them. 

However, we understand that there are limits to what we can do and we are not able to serve users in all locations. 

We are committed to internet freedom, it is in our DNA. At Hola, we remain committed to the principles of online democracy, internet freedom and a borderless internet. 

Countries where Hola services are not available are:

India, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, North Korea, Cuba, Sudan, Crimea region.

Go Beyond Your Location.
Access Worldwide Content.

Hola is the gateway to your favorite movies, shows, games and more, no matter where you live!


Well hello there!

We're in the process of giving our website a
new look, call it a makeover if you prefer :)

Rest assured, this will be updated soon too,
we're on it.